Sweeping the Board! GMC's Three Technologies Win China Award for Science and Technology in Construction 2022
2023-02-14 loading...

The Committee of the China Award for Science and Technology in Construction announced its annual winners for 2022, and GMC's three technologies won the Award. The China Award for Science and Technology in Construction is one of the highest-level awards in the field of construction science and technology in China.

The "Research and Application of Key Construction Technologies of Canton East Tower" won the first prize, and Guangzhou Design Institute Group Co., Ltd., one subsidiary of GMC, participated in the completion of the project. The “Key Technologies and Application of Intelligent Detection of Foundation Piles” undertaken by Guangzhou Institute of Building Science Group, another subsidiary of GMC, won the second prize. The “Key Technology Research and Engineering Demonstration for Intelligent Construction of Multi-cabin Large-section Fabricated Pipe Galleries” undertaken by two subsidiaries of GMC, Guangzhou Institute of Building Science Group and Guangzhou Municipal Engineering Machinery Construction Co., Ltd., was awarded the third prize.

Helping create new landmark of Guangzhou's central axis

Guangzhou Design Institute Group Co., Ltd. is one of the main design units of Canton East Tower (also known as Guangzhou Chow Tai Fook Finance Centre), and also one of the main completion units of the project of the "Research and Application of Key Construction Technologies of Canton East Tower".

Canton East Tower integrates the set-back model and verticality to create a "gradual rising" visual effect, like an enchanting crystal soaring into the sky. As the floors rise, the main building of the Tower "goes" backward more. The set-back model of Canton East Tower echoes with the adjacent towers with different heights, well integrating the surrounding buildings and spaces and strengthening the cohesion of the main axis of the city.

 ▲Canton East Tower


Improving the degree of intelligence of foundation pile detection

Some common problems exist in the traditional quality detection of foundation piles, such as insufficient capacity for testing bearing capacity, low degree of intelligence, lack of safety monitoring and early warning measures, and difficulty in detecting the quality of existing foundation piles. In more than a decade, Guangzhou Institute of Building Science Group systematically conducted the research on key technologies of the intelligent detection of foundation piles. Relying on sensing, Internet of Things (IoT), AI, and other technologies, the research team invented a complete set of intelligent detection technologies for the compressive bearing capacity of super-tonnage foundation piles, proposed an intelligent detection method for the integrity of foundation piles based on the relative energy method, and developed a complete set of intelligent equipment suitable for detecting foundation piles with the drilled core method in the narrow space of existing buildings, effectively improving the degree of intelligence and risk management skills for detecting the existing foundation piles.

The team's research results obtained 18 authorized patents and three software copyrights. The team also compiled two sets of provincial standards of Guangdong, and three of its technological achievements were identified as high-tech products of Guangdong. Its research results were applied in the second-phase expansion project of Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport, Guangzhou Rail Transit Line 12, the starting area of Guangzhou International Financial City, Zhuhai Hengqin Vientiane World, and some other major projects, generating remarkable economic and social benefits.

 ▲Research result "Wireless Intelligent Foundation Pile Static Load Measuring Instrument" is recognized as a high-tech product of Guangdong Province

 ▲Research result “Foundation Pile Integrity Testing System Based on Crosshole Sonic Logging”
obtains the national invention patent


Improving maintenance and management of fabricated underground pipe galleries

To fix technical problems such as insufficient monitoring technologies for the working condition of the multi-cabin large-section fabricated pipe gallery joints and high cost for the construction and maintenance of pipe galleries, Guangzhou Institute of Building Science Group and Guangzhou Municipal Engineering Machinery Construction Co., Ltd. systematically conducted research on key technologies by dint of the first large-section three-cabin prefabricated pipe gallery intelligent construction project in China, the “Guangzhou IBD Underground Integrated Pipe Gallery” and through combination with structural development, sensing, IoT, and the BIM information technology. After five years of exploration, the research team achieved a series of results and proposed a complete set of technologies for intelligent monitoring of the working condition of pipe gallery joints, providing scientific basis and technical support for the daily maintenance and management of fabricated underground pipe galleries.

The team published 14 academic papers of research results in core journals, obtained six utility model patents, registered one software copyright, formed three provincial construction methods, and participated in the preparation of five sets of provincial standards of Guangdong. The research results were successfully applied in major projects such as the underground integrated pipe gallery of the Guanghua First-level Highway and the renovation and supporting project for the convenience improvement of roads, achieving good economic and social benefits.

 ▲Research results registered for software copyright

 ▲Research results are applied in the Guangzhou IBD Underground Integrated Pipe Gallery Project


Source: Guangzhou Municipal Group Co., Ltd. Guangzhou Design Institute Group Co., Ltd. Guangzhou Institute of Building Science Group

Edited and released by: Lu Chongyou and Long Kun, Party-Masses Work Department of Guangzhou Institute of Building Science Group

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