GMC: Guangzhou Experience Inspires the Building of Intelligent Construction Pilot City
2023-02-07 loading...

On January 31, China Construction News, which is in charge of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, published an article titled Striving to Build an Intelligent Construction Industrial Chain to Stimulate New Momentum for High-quality Development of the Construction Industry in the column of Learning From Intelligent Construction Pilot Cities, reporting Guangzhou's active role in efficiently promoting the building of intelligent construction pilot cities.

GMC was referred to in the article several times, along with GMC's specific practices in expanding the application range of intelligent construction, boosting the building of a complete industrial system for intelligent construction, advancing the construction of intelligent construction demonstration projects, promoting the innovation of intelligent construction technology, and fortifying the talent pool of the intelligent construction industry. GMC, as the major enterprise leading the construction industrial chain and the pioneer and main force in the urban construction of Guangzhou, is making every effort to push the development of Guangdong Province's construction industry to a higher level with higher quality, hoping to inspire the building of intelligent construction pilot cities with Guangzhou experience.

 ▲ The Learning From Intelligent Construction Pilot Cities column of China Construction News introduces Guangzhou's active practices in efficiently promoting the building of intelligent construction pilot cities, among which GMC's are referred to several times.


Building Industrial Parks for a Complete Industrial System

According to the article, "The High-end Assembly Manufacturing Innovation Center in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, an integration of multiple business types including industries, universities, research institutes, exhibitions, trade and tourism, is to form a cluster of R&D, design, intelligent manufacturing, supply, exhibition, trade, training and service enterprises."

Built based on the existing Jinbo Logistics Park by GMC, the High-end Assembly Manufacturing Innovation Center in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area serves as the starting area, innovation area, core area and demonstration area for GMC's new industrialized carrier establishment of the construction industry. At present, Phase I of the Center is completed, with the introduction of the "Bay Area Smart Building", the largest national prefabricated building industrial base in South China, gathering over 100 upstream and downstream enterprises along the industrial chain.

In 2022, GMC started the construction of Phase II. Currently, four industrial bases are under construction, including three R&D manufacturing centers of modular construction, prefabricated decoration and prefabricated electromechanical equipment, as well as one steel finishing center. Following that, some intelligent and low-carbon renovation projects will be launched to improve the infrastructure of water, electricity and gas in the park and a comprehensive service platform for low-carbon technology innovation, R&D, promotion and application will be established. Meanwhile, efforts will also be made to strengthen the industrial incubation and team incubation capability building of the park to create a full-chain service system that covers the startup, growth, and maturity stages of enterprises.

 ▲"Bay Area Smart Building", the largest national prefabricated building industrial base in South China, is introduced into Phase I of the High-end Assembly Manufacturing Innovation Center in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area

 ▲Phase II of the High-end Assembly Manufacturing Innovation Center in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area is under intense construction


Accelerating Transformation and Upgrading for Extended Technology Application Scenarios

"GMC has built an intelligent production line of and a cloud platform for management on construction parts and components, initially realizing less man-powered or even unmanned component production," the article said.

For the intelligent production line of construction parts and components, the Bay Area Smart Building base has laid out several facilities, including the automatic production line, dedicated mixing plant, rebar processing equipment and transport vehicle, and industrial software such as PMES/PCM, to solve the core problems of component production, transportation, and whole-process information management. Among them, the automatic production line adopts a central control system, which makes production efficiency controllable and helps reduce workforce and work intensity.

For the cloud management platform, the Guangzhou Institute of Building Science Group has taken the lead in independently developing the smart system for construction site management called "GMC Smart Cloud" with other units within GMC. The system uses BIM lightweight model as the carrier to correlate and visualize project progress, personnel and vehicles, quality and safety, construction machinery, civilized construction, video monitoring, safety monitoring and other management data in the system. It also adopts AI technology to automatically identify on-site personnel's position, helmets, reflective clothing, open flames, smoke and dust, etc. In cooperation with Guangzhou Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau, the system has innovated the government-enterprise interconnection mechanism and realized the acquisition, storage and visual display of data from all government supervision terminals, which is of great significance for actively discovering and timely dealing with the quality and safety problems of construction projects. As a chain-leading enterprise, GMC has built a big data-based industrial platform, providing an important foundation for the subsequent integration of informatization and digitalization of the construction industry and the transformation and upgrading of construction enterprises. The system now has been widely applied in various projects such as Guangzhou Eighth People's Hospital, phase III construction of an airport, and Guangzhou International Health Station.

 ▲Real picture of the automatic production line in Bay Area Smart Building

 ▲GMC Smart Cloud being applied in multiple key projects


Advancing Sci-tech Innovation for Pioneered Creation of the CIM Platform

As stated in the article: "Guangzhou has taken the lead to develop the City Information Modeling (CIM) platform, the key technology and application projects of which won the first prize of the Huaxia Construction Science and Technology Award."

The CIM platform is used to model and virtualize the real physical city on the computer to form a digital twin city. Everything of the physical city can be digitally modeled and simulated in its digital twin city as needed to empower fine and high-quality management of the city. In 2021, Guangzhou officially released the CIM platform, the first in China.

Guangzhou Design Institute Group Co., Ltd., one of the major completion units for the research and application of key technologies of the platform, has prepared 4 standards for the BIM construction drawing review system and a number of CIM national industry standards and provincial and municipal standards for the building of the platform. In the near future, GMC will work to promote the pilot application of the CIM platform and advance the preparation of Guangzhou CIM platform construction drawing standards and digital acceptance filing standards undertaken by the Group.


Introducing and Cultivating Talents for Strong Industry Support

"Relying on the state-level enterprise technology center, provincial key laboratory and postdoctoral workstation, GMC has held academician forums and carried out the Project of Introducing 100 Post-doctors Worldwide."

At present, GMC boasts a total of 112 sci-tech innovation platforms, including the national enterprise technology center, postdoctoral research workstation, and provincial new R&D institutions. By building a positive and promising working environment, GMC has attracted and cultivated a number of high-end talents. In 2022, there were 15 newly enrolled post-doctors and 9 outbound, 4 recognized as high-level talents (young reserve talents) in Guangzhou, and 3 funded by China Postdoctoral Science Foundation.

GMC will continue the Project of Introducing 100 Post-doctors Worldwide and accomplish it by the end of 2023, and set up a three- to five-year plan to see all its chief engineers are postdoctoral fellows.


Source: Guangzhou Engineering Contractor Group, Jinbo Group, Guangzhou Design Institute Group, Guangzhou Institute of Building Science Group, Bay Area Smart Building

Edited and released by Long Kun and Lu Chongyou, Party-Masses Work Department of the Group

Released by Zhang Xiaoying, Group Office

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